I’m baaa-aaaack! After a wonderful (and exhausting!) week in Florida, it is nice to settle back in to our usual routine. Later this week, I will have some travel tips to share with you, but I wanted to make sure to share a few cute Halloween snack ideas before the holiday.
I can’t take credit for coming up with the idea for this cute snack (I saw it pinned on Pinterest). But the idea was too cute not to share. We served these Banana Ghosts and Orange Pumpkins when we invited our neighborhood moms playgroup over for a viewing party of It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I also served popcorn (popped in coconut oil and sprinkled with salt), organic apple juice, hot apple cider, and water. The other moms brought treats to share as well.
Here’s how I made the Banana Ghosts and Orange Pumpkins:
Banana Ghosts (serves 12)
6 bananas
36 dark chocolate chips
Peel the bananas and cut them in half. With the small end of the banana pointing up, push the chocolate chips into the banana in the shape of a ghost face (2 chips for the eyes and 1 chip for the mouth). Arrange them on a platter and serve!
Orange Pumpkins (serves 12)
12 mandarin oranges, peeled
1 rib of celery, cut into 12 small pieces (about 1″ long and 1/4″ wide)
Simply place the peeled oranges on a platter and push the celery into the center “hole” on the top of each orange to create stems. Serve!
These cute and healthy treats are so easy! They are perfect for Halloween parties and play dates, but they also pack up perfectly for lunches. We had leftovers that kept nicely in the refrigerator overnight (just be sure to cover them tightly). They were great for breakfast and lunch the next day!
I had a great time making these treats, and we all enjoyed eating them. The only mistake I made was not buying seedless oranges (the seedless clementines are so much easier with kids!). Do you have any special treats that you make for Halloween? Please share your traditions in the comments below.