I wish I could have posted a recipe today, but my 1 year old and I are both feeling a little under the weather. I don’t know about you, but when my stomach is upset the last thing I want to do is think about food (as much as I normally love it).
But today did get me thinking about what I give my children when they get sick. Sometimes it seems like I try so hard to get my kids to eat well when they are healthy, and it all goes down the drain when they are sick. Of course, this can seem inevitable when all you want them to do is eat or drink something (anything)! Is there any way to keep kids on the right track when they are sick?
I still try to follow my basic principles when looking for remedies for my kids. Of course I can only do my best with the options available, and I always consult our pediatrician when making important choices about my children’s health when they are sick.
Here is what I look for when my children are sick:
1. Medicines free of dyes – We do use acetaminophen and ibuprofen, but I prefer to buy the kinds that are dye-free when they are available. They are still flavored so the kids don’t even know the difference between the medicines with color added and the dye-free kind.
2. Drinks and medicines free of artificial flavors – This isn’t always available for medicines, but I have found pediatric electrolyte solutions that are dye-free and flavor-free. If we choose to buy other drinks while the kids are sick, I do look for drinks that have natural flavors that I recognize.
3. Bland whole grain foods – Even when we are sick, I try not to buy “enriched” bread/wheat products if there are whole grain varieties available. Breads, crackers and pastas made with whole grains tend to be bland enough for my kids.
4. Fruits – Applesauce (made without sugar) and bananas tend to be easy on the stomach, and the kids will usually eat them even when they are sick.
5. Naturally sweetened products (when available) – I also do my best to avoid artificial sweeteners when shopping for the kids, but the medicines and pediatric electrolyte solutions available commercially usually have artificial sweeteners.
As parents, we can only do our best with the knowledge we have and the options we are given. Sometimes there is no perfect choice, so I try not to stress out about everything that goes into my children’s mouths. Everything in moderation, right?
Another blog that I read, 100 Days of Real Food, shared a recipe for a homemade pediatric electrolyte solution that may be worth a try (after checking with a pediatrician). If we ever use it, I will be sure to share the results.
If you have any natural remedies for kids that you swear by, please share your ideas in the comments below. This is a subject that I am still learning about, so I would love some recommendations.