My husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I, however, rarely buy potatoes. It’s not that I don’t like them. I just prefer to buy vegetables that I feel are a little more nutrient-rich…you know, antioxidant powerhouses like kale, spinach, and other vibrantly colored veggies. But after doing a quick search on the nutritional value of potatoes, I found that potatoes actually have an ample amount of vitamins, minerals, and even fiber (especially if you leave the skins on). The nutrients in potatoes give you energy and regulate your blood sugar. Maybe I shouldn’t write off potatoes so quickly…
This week, I indulged my husband in a meal centered around his love of meat and potatoes. I baked (well, microwaved) russet potatoes and topped them with sausages instead of traditional bacon bits. Throw in white cheddar and sour cream, and the man was in heaven!
Here’s how I made the potatoes:
Sausage and White Cheddar Baked Potatoes (serves 2 adults and 2 children)
- 6 russet potatoes, rinsed and scrubbed
- 3 sausages of your choice (we used pork green chili sausages)
- 1 cup of shredded white cheddar
- sour cream
- butter
Cook the sausages (here’s how I cooked them), slice them, and keep them warm until ready to use. Poke the potatoes with a fork several times, and place then in a spoke pattern (with small ends facing in) on a microwavable plate. Microwave 10-12 minutes on high until the insides of the potatoes are tender when pierced in the middle with a fork. After they are cooked, I wrap my baked potatoes in foil and allow them to rest for a few minutes. When you are ready to eat, unwrap the potatoes, slice them open, and top each with a pat of butter, 1/4 cup of white cheddar, several pieces of sliced sausage, and a dollop of sour cream. Serve steaming hot while the cheese is melting.
Our potatoes were on the smallish side, so my husband and I each ate two. Our kids split a potato, but older kids could certainly handle their own. To be honest, the kids mostly ate the toppings. My husband and I scarfed down everything…skins and all.
This is a very easy weeknight meal (you could even cook the sausages ahead of time and simply reheat them at dinner time), and you can easily customize the flavors. We liked the slightly New Mexican flavors of the green chili sausages with the cheese and sour cream. Salsa would be a great addition if you want a saucy potato. For a different flavor, use polish sausage, cheddar (or cream cheese) and sauerkraut.